July 20, 24:

Legal Help Center Eng 7-20-24 mix

July 13, 24:

Legal Help Center July 9 VO Music

Legal Help Center Spanish Open

July 5, 24:

Legal Help Center Music Ver1Rev1

June 30, 24:

Legal Help Center Long Form Open Ver 1

Legal Help Center Long Form Open Ver 2

April 23. 24:

Legal Help Center Long Form Mix 4-23-24

Legal Help Center Long Form Dialog Only 4-23-24

Legal Help Center Long Form Music Only 4-23-24

Legal Help Center Long Form Murmors phones only Only 4-23-24


April 20, 24:

Legal Help Center Radio Long Form with music

April 13, 24:

General 120 Spanish 4_6_Mix

General Spanish 120 Music Only_4-13

General Spanish 120 Dialog Only_4-13

60 Spanish Radio 4_6_mix

Spanish Radio 60_Music_Only

Spanish Radio 60_Dialog_Only

30 Male Spanish fem tag dialog only_4-13

30 Male Spanish fem tag Mix_4-13

30 Male Spanish fem tag Music_Only_4-13

30 English Female Male tag_Music_4-13

30 English Female Male tag_Mix_4-13

30 English Female Male tag_Dialog_4-13

30 English Female Male tag_Music_4-13

30 English Female Male tag_Mix_4-13

30 English Female Male tag_Dialog_4-13


April 6, 24:

General Spanish 2min spot 4_6 – SD 480p

60 Spanish Radio 4_6

30 Spanish Male Radio 4_6

30 English Male Radio 4_6

30 Spanish Female Radio 4_6

April 2, 24:

Radio Custom Music 4_2

March 30, 24:

General English 15 Mix 3-30

General English 15 Music Only 3-30

General English 90 Music Only 3-30

General English 90 Mix 3-30

General English 5 Min Mix 3-30

General English 5 Min Music Only 3-30

General English 120 Music only

General English 120 Mix

General English 3min Music only

General English 3min Mix

March 30, 24:

General Spanish 5 Min Mix 3-30

General Spanish 5 Min Music Only 3-30

General Spanish 3 Min Mix 3-30

General Spanish 3 Min Music Only 3-30

Spanish 90 Music Only

General Spanish 90

Spanish 15 Music Only

General Spanish 15

March 29, 24:

General Spanish 5 min-3-29 – SD 480p

General Spanish 3 min-3-29 – SD 480p

General English 5min 3-29 – SD 480p

General English 90 3-29 – SD 480p

General English 15-3-29 – SD 480p

March 24, 24:

General Spanish 90 – SD 480p

General Spanish 5min – SD 480p

General Spanish 15 – SD 480p

General Spanish 3min – SD 480p

March 20, 24:

General English 120 Music only

General English 120 Mix

March 16, 24:

General English 3min – SD 480p

General English 5min – SD 480p

English General 2024-15 – SD 480p

General English 90 – SD 480p

General English 120 – SD 480p

March 9, 24:

Spanish 30 Spot 3 Mixed-3_9

Spanish 30 Spot 3 Music Only-3_9

Spanish 30 Spot 4 Mixed-3_9

Spanish 30 Spot 4 Music Only-3_9

English 30 Spot 3 Mixed-3_9

English 30 Spot 3 Music Only-3_9

English 30 Spot 4 Mixed-3_9

English 30 Spot 4 Music Only-3_9

March 9, 24:

Spanish 30 Spot 3-3_9 – SD 480p

Spanish 30 Spot 4-3_8 – SD 480p

March 8, 24:

English 30 Spot 3-3_8 – SD 480p

English 30 Spot 4-3_8 – SD 480p

March 6, 24:

English 30 Spot 2-3_6-Rev2 – SD 480p

English 60 Spot 2-3_6_Rev1 – SD 480p

English 30 Spot 2-3_6 – SD 480p

Spanish 30 Spot 1-3_6 – SD 480p

Spanish 30 Spot 2-3_6 – SD 480p

March 6, 24 (wav file deliveries for the above 3 spots. Mixed and Music only):

English 30 Spot 2-3_6-Rev2

English 30 Spot 2-3_6-Rev2-Music_only

English 60 Spot 2_3_6_Rev1

English 60 Spot 2_3_6_Music_Only-Rev1

Spanish 30 Spot 1-Music Only-3_6

Spanish 30 Spot 1-3_6

English 30 spot 2-Music Only-3_6

English 30 spot 2-3_6

Spanish 30 Spot 2-Music Only-3_6

Spanish 30 Spot 2-3_6


March 4, 24:

English Spot 2-3_4 – SD 480p

Spanish 30 Spot 1-3_4 – SD 480p

Spanish 30 Spot 2-3_4 – SD 480p

Spanish 60 Spot 1-3_4 – SD 480p

March 2, 24 (All 30s/60s Mixed deliveries):

English 30 Spot 1_3_1

English 30 Spot 2-3_2

English 60 Spot 1_3_1

English 60 Spot 2_3_1rev

Spanish 30 Spot 1-3_2

Spanish 30 Spot 2-3_2

Spanish 60 Spot 1_3_1

Spanish 60 Spot 2_3_1

Music Only:

English 30 Spot 1-Music Only

English 30 Spot 2-Music Only

Spanish 60 Spot 1-Music Only

Spanish 60 Spot 2-Music Only

English 60 Spot 1-Music Only

English 60 Spot 2-Music Only

Spanish 30 Spot 1-Music Only

Spanish 30 Spot 2-Music Only


March 1, 24:

English 30 Spot 1-3_1 – SD 480p

Spanish 30 Spot 1-3_1 – SD 480p

Spanish 30 Spot 2-3_1 – SD 480p

English 60 Spot 1-3_1 – SD 480p

English 60 Spot 2-3_1 – SD 480p

Spanish 60 Spot 1-3_1 – SD 480p

Spanish 60 Spot 2-3_1 – SD 480p

Feb 28, 24:

Spanish 30 Spot 1 -2_28 – SD 480p

English 30-2_28 – SD 480p

Feb 24, 24:

English 30 Spot 1 Stops-Fancy Ending – SD 480p

English 30 Spot 1 Music Throughout – SD 480p

Feb 23, 24:

Engliahs 60 Spot 1-2_22 – SD 480p

Spanish Spot 2-2_22 – SD 480p

Feb 22, 24:

English Spot 2-2_22 – SD 480p

Spanish 60 Spot 2-2_22 – SD 480p

Feb. 20, 24:

English Spot 1-Slower-2_20 – SD 480p

Feb 18, 24:

English 60 Spot 2_2-_18 – SD 480p

English 30 Spot 1-2_18 – SD 480p

English 30 Spot 2-2_18 – SD 480p

Spanish 60 Spot 2-2_18 – SD 480p

Feb. 16, 24:

Wilkos 20 Music 2_14 ver2

Feb. 14, 24 (afternoon deliveries):

English 60 Spot 2 music approval – SD 480p

English 30 Spot 1 music approval – SD 480p

English 30 Spot 2 music approval – SD 480p

Feb. 14, 24:

20 Spot Wilkos Music 2_14

Wilkos 20 Music ver 2 – SD 480p

Feb. 10, 24:

Wilkos 20 Music – SD 480p

English 60 Softer Phones Mix – SD 480p


Feb 6, 24 (Spanish Infomercial)

Legal Help Center Spanish Infomercial Audio Mix 2_6_24

Legal Help Center Spanish Infomercial Music 2_6_24

Feb 6, 24 (English 60 spot Music Approval)

Spot 1 Ebglish 60 Music Approval 2_6 – SD 480p

Feb 4, 24:

Spot 1 English 60 Music Ver 1 – SD 480p

Spot 1 English 60 Music ver 2 – SD 480p

Feb 1, 24:

Spanish Hosts +3db 2_1 – SD 480p

Jan 30, 24:

Hosts +4 db – SD 480p

Jan 29, 24:

Hosts +2db – SD 480p

Hosts +3db – SD 480p

Jan. 28, 24:

Spanish Show Music Mix Ver 2 _1_28 – SD 480p

Jan. 26, 24:

Spanish Legal Help Center Music Review – SD 480p

Jan 25, 24:


Jan 24, 24:

Legal Help Center Music Sweetened 1_18_24

Jan 20, 24:

Legal Help Center Music 1_18

Jan 18,24:

Legal Help Center 1_18 – SD 480p

Jan 17, 24:

Legal Help Center 1_17 – SD 480p

Jan. 16, 24:

Legal Help Center Music 1_16 – SD 480p

Jan 13, 24:

Legal Help Center 1_13 – SD 480p

Dec. 28, 23:

Legal Help Center Rev 12_28_23 mix – SD 480p

Dec. 11, 23:

Legal Help Center Soundtrack – SD 480p

Dec. 3, 23:

Sara Question and Answer Music Cue

Host Throw and Graphics Theme

Dr. Miller Extended Ending Remix

Nov. 26, 23:

Question with French Horn theme

Host Throw

Dr Lauren Building with Extended ending

Host Pitch with long ending fade out

Nov. 21, 23:

Legal Help Center Host Pitch to Camera Rev

Nov. 19, 23:

Legal Help Center Open 3 Note Theme

Legal Help Center Sara Question

Legal Help Center Open 3 Note Theme SFX

Legal Help Center Open 3 Doubled Note Theme

Legal Help Center Open 3 Doubled Note Theme SFX

Legal Help Center Sara Question

Legal Help Center Dr Lauren in sync


Nov. 11, 23:




Nov. 9, 23:

Legal Help Center Open Theme Style 1

Legal Help Center Open Theme Style 2

Francis Car Acciident Music